You're in a Competitive Market.

Make Sales Your Advantage

Adam Boyd (2)

Our Consulting & Training Approach

At The Northwood Group, our sales strategy and training approach is based on predictability and simplicity.

Customized Solutions

One of a kind

We know no business is exactly like yours, so we don’t offer cookie-cutter programs like the big firms do.

Simplicity as an Approach

Skip the complex

By streamlining complex sales concepts into memorable, actionable steps, we ensure your team is prepared to pivot and sell confidently in any situation.

Strategic Adaptability

Business is change

With the right mindset and tools, your team can strategically adapt, keeping your sales approach sharp through any challenge.

Predictive Growth Framework

With our Predictive Growth Framework™, we map out sales strategies and training tailored to your specific challenges.
Forget the complex. We do simple.

Simplicity as an Approach

With our Predictive Growth Framework™, we map out sales strategies and training tailored to your specific challenges. Forget the complex. We do simple.

Predictable Growth Foundations

Once we've got the full picture, it's time to get back to basics and strengthen your sales foundation.

Predictable Leadership Development

We reshape how your sales managers operate.

Predictable Growth Playbook

Think of it as the final piece that brings everything together.

Our Clients Sell More

Delivering best practices for sales teams and professional services firms to win more business.


I trust him so much

"I originally hired Adam to help me freshen up my team. I thought we'd do a one day event. We kept him around for over 7 years. He helped with sales, from designing, installing and training processes, to helping with how we hired and developed our people. He later worked with our customer-facing operations personnel, designing their processes and helping them install the tools he delivered. He understood our culture and fit in. We saw remarkable growth during that time, and he was part of it. I trust him so much I introduced him into over a dozen close colleagues over the years."

Cole Harmonson | Founder and former CEO, Far West Capital; Founder and CEO, Dare Capital 

Paramount to my success

“Adam has been paramount to my success as his coaching helped me soar to the top of my field! The sales skills he’s helped me develop will serve me for many years to come. If you’re ready to break through to the top, Adam is THE coach to take you there, period.”

Keeley Hubbard | Principal KH Consulting


Can Help any company improve sales

“I’ve seen first hand, across two companies, how Adam delivers repeatable results. He’s great to work with and can help any company improve their sales.”

Howard Schaffer, former GM, (acquired by Ziff Davis); former SVP, Beneplace (acquired by EBG); Investor

Full steam ahead

"If you are interested in working with Adam, you should go full steam ahead and not look back but consider yourself lucky to have the opportunity. Great person and amazing insight."

Brandon Lee | VP Sales, Marcus Technologies

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We help middle market companies when they need more conversations with potential customers to...convert to closed deals.
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