Is your sales pipeline lying to you?

Tell me if this sounds familiar. In management meetings, sales say something like, “We have a great pipeline, with over X number of qualified opportunities, totaling 5x what we need to hit our number.” It sounds like some good math, right? (Thanks, But when you inspect it, it turns out that there are only…

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How To Forecast Sales Part 2

In the last article, I wrote about forecasting and the importance of a proper sales process to get it right. Without the right sales stages and milestones, you get the wrong signals. You hear a lot of, “Deal looks good.” “They loved our demo.” “They like us a lot.” And you have 0 idea what’s…

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How To Forecast Sales Part 1

You’ve got a goal this year. A number. A target. Will you hit it? Will your team? It’s what you want to know. It’s what your CFO wants to know. It’s what your partners or investors want to know. Forecasting is not as sexy as closing a big deal, but it’s nice if you like…

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What Price Says About You

(Thank you, Giphy) Several years ago, a CEO whose company I had helped took me to lunch. We had barely spoken because I’d worked with his head of sales. He said to me, “I owe you thanks. Because of you, I sold my company for life-changing money.” I asked him how. He said, “Before you…

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Sales Myths CEOs Believe

There are a lot of myths in the world of sales. Unfortunately for CEOs who don’t come from a sales background, they get fooled by these myths. They mistake them for “conventional wisdom” because they hear them so often. Even for CEOs who come from a sales background, it’s easy to believe what they hear…

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Making Your Sales Process…Work

Ask yourself if this sounds familiar. You ask one of your employees or team members about an opportunity with a potential new customer. “Looks good,” he says. “Why’s that?” you ask. (credit: giphy) “They liked what we had to show them. I feel good about it.” You ask, “What’s the next step?” “I’m waiting to…

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Lessons From A 73mm ARR Company, 2 of 2

This is roughly a 6 minute read.   Last time, I told you about the New York based 73mm ARR company who called me. They called because their sales organization was a mystery to top leadership. Despite being well-funded and lined with industry pros, they weren’t hitting numbers. They were making sales, but not enough.…

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Lessons From A 73mm ARR Company, 1 of 2

Probably an eight minute read   In October, I got a call from a company’s COO out of New York. We’d talked before, and I’d done some training for his company, so he was familiar with me. He said, “Adam, we need to talk. Sales missed their goal last quarter, and this one isn’t looking…

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Networking Like a Pro: 6 Must-Take Actions for Referral Success

Some businesses run on referrals. It’s usually because: A. Actually a lower cost of sale to have people refer business to you than search for those deals one by one; B. The service is purchased based on trust (consulting, law, etc…); C. Someone’s afraid to prospect. Let’s skip category C for now, and focus on…

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