What Price Says About You

(Thank you, Giphy) Several years ago, a CEO whose company I had helped took me to lunch. We had barely spoken because I’d worked with his head of sales. He said to me, “I owe you thanks. Because of you, I sold my company for life-changing money.” I asked him how. He said, “Before you…

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Want to Raise Prices? Here’s One Way.

(This isn’t a chest-beating fantasy about how much you can charge if only you’re tough enough and gutsy enough. That’s not reality. Some industries won’t stand for it. Some prospects have too many options they prefer. I do believe, often, you can charge MORE than others and win. But rarely can you charge 65% more…

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Winning Business BEFORE The Meeting

When I started business school, I remember the teachers lining up and saying, one by one, “I teach you how to make it,” “I teach you how to count it,” and finally, “I teach you how to sell it.” Every business has these functions, whether the person running the business or the firm wants to…

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Why Your Consults (or Discovery Calls) Go Sideways

To Help You Win… One of the questions I get most often is, “Why aren’t I closing these opportunities?” To be honest, it’s ACTUALLY phrased like this: Lawyer: “These leads just don’t have any money.” Consultant/Service Provider: “I don’t know what’s going on. Business is slow.” CEO: “Deals keep pushing, so I’m guessing next quarter…

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Conversion is About Math, and That’s About Competing

To Help You Win… My client is a DUI/DWI attorney in Illinois. And last year, when we started working together, she was grinding to grow her firm. She’d been building it for 7 years, on her own. She was doing it all. Filing. Drafting. Meeting with clients. Going to court. Working with the ad agencies…

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