Articles & Resources

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How To Run The Meetings You Actually Need For Sales

How to run the meetings you actually need for sales? If you lead a team and you’re not familiar with the concept of maker time vs. manager time, it’s worth digging into. It’ll help you think through how to divvy up days for your people based on their work. Recently, I worked with a company…

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A Discussion with Chris Turnley

A several-time CRO talks to 7 heads of sales…. Here’s what he shared. In our Leaders’ Forum, sales leaders come together to learn together, to grow in their careers, and to push their companies forward. It’s not just the founders/CEOs who are full of fire; the sales folks want to make hay, too. And they…

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Your First Sales Hire

Your First Sales Hire (Especially if you’re bringing something new to the market.) When you do something long enough, you notice patterns. Having spent 13+ years working with B2B companies to grow sales, there are several patterns that have become predictable. The early-stage company struggling to nail their first 1-2 sales hires might as well…

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Finance Doesn’t Believe The Sales Forecast. And Shouldn’t.

Here’s how the CFO and the VP Sales can get on the same page. This is what most conversations with CFOs and VPs of finance sound like when I talk with them. Me: “So last year you did $X top line, throwing off $Y in EBITDA…” CFO: “Yes.” Me: “Congrats. What does this year look…

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How To Get Better At What You Do, Especially Sales


How To Get Better At What You Do, Especially Sales It doesn’t just happen. In the past, I’ve dropped into companies as a fractional manager for sales. Be warned: I’m good at this, but not the world’s best. Patience is not something I have in spades, and you’re usually not brought into a situation like…

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Sales Advice I Gave to SaaS Founders

Notes from a talk to an EO Forum Big disclaimer here: I’ve not sold a SaaS company. So, if you discount advice on something like that, stop reading now. However, I have worked with many over the years in my coaching and consulting work. As a result, I have noticed some patterns. Some even cross-industries,…

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On Choosing Your Next Job

It’s not all about comp. Seriously.

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Strategy from the Academies

“If you want to win 10 games a year in college football, you don’t play in the SEC.”

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Want Better Strategy? Learn from Narcos: Mexico

Want Better Strategy? Learn from Narcos: Mexico *Note: I’m not advocating or defending any illegal activities. ** Note: I actively discourage anyone from engaging in the drug trade. ***Note: There will be spoilers in this if you haven’t seen the show. You’ve been warned. Early summer this year, two great works collided in my mind:…

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Leadership Lessons From Ted Lasso

We need more leaders like him.

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Next Steps

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